Submit a Claim - Claim Instructions

If you are an individual and entity, or their lawful successor, that purchased and/or acquired shares of Health Insurance Innovations, Inc. under the symbol HIIQ (“HIIQ” or “Security”) during the period from March 2, 2017 through March 12, 2019, inclusive (the “Relevant Period”), you may be eligible to share in the proceeds of the Health Insurance Innovations, Inc. Fair Fund (“Fair Fund”).

To be considered for eligibility to receive a Distribution Payment from the Fair Fund, you must submit a completed Claim Form with the necessary documentation so that it is postmarked (or if not sent by U.S. Mail, received) by March 28, 2024 (the “Claims Bar Date”).

Click here to download a copy of the Claim Form.

You may submit the Claim Form:

  1. By mail to the Fund Administrator at the following address:

    Health Insurance Innovations Fair Fund
    c/o Fund Administrator
    P.O. Box 4349
    Portland, OR 97208-4349


  2. By uploading a completed and signed Claim Form using the online claim filing option here.

Please Note: If you are a bank, broker, or other third-party nominee filing on behalf of your clients, please file your claim on the Nominees page and not through this page.