Welcome to the website for the Health Insurance Innovations Fair Fund.
If you purchased and/or acquired HII common stock the period of time from March 2, 2017, through March 12, 2019, inclusive (“Relevant Period”) you may be entitled to a Distribution Payment from the Health Insurance Innovations Fair Fund.
On July 20, 2022, the Commission issued the Order instituting and simultaneously settling cease-and-desist proceedings against the Respondents. In the Order, the Commission found that from March 2017 through March 2020, HII, a technology platform, billing administrator and distributor of short-term and limited health insurance products, and its CEO Southwell made a series of false and misleading statements to investors, which concealed extensive consumer complaints about products being sold through misrepresentations. HII and Southwell falsely told investors that HII held its insurance distributors to its high compliance standards, which prohibited insurance agents from making misrepresentations to consumers. HII and Southwell falsely stated that HII had 99.99% consumer satisfaction and misleadingly stated that state departments of insurance received very few consumer complaints regarding HII. HII and Southwell understated the amount of business that had been generated by its most productive distributor, Simple Health Plans LLC (“Simple Health”), which amassed the most consumer complaints. HII and Southwell misrepresented that HII had terminated its relationship with a different distributor in 2016 for compliance failures, when in fact, HII re-hired this distributor despite continuing compliance problems. These statements were made in reports filed with the Commission, press releases, earnings calls and other communications with investors. Southwell also disseminated misleading information about HII’s compliance to research analysts and a subscription news service, which included the information in research reports and a news article that were distributed to investors. In total, the Commission ordered the Respondents to pay $320,000 in disgorgement, $41,511 in prejudgment interest, and $11,750,000 in civil money penalties, for a collective total of $12,111,511, to the Commission. The Commission also created the Fair Fund, pursuant to Section 308(a) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, so the penalties paid, along with the disgorgement and interest paid, can be distributed to harmed investors.